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Vegan Wellness
Explore our vast collection of vegan vitamins and supplements, including vegan protein powders and bars, liquid supplements, capsules, vitamin shots, powder supplements, and loads more! We've got some of the most popular vegan products on the market, including matcha, collagen, turmeric, nootropics, probiotics, keto supplements, and more. So, if you aim to eat mainly plant-based or you are a fully-fledged vegan, we've got all the wellness goodies you need right here! Browse over 120 products to boost your health and wellness today and support your vegan lifestyle.
What are the best supplements for vegans?
If you eat a vegan diet, then there are certain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you are more likely to lack or become deficient in. Whilst it's entirely possible to get everything you need from plant-based foods alone, it can be quite difficult - especially since, in Western culture, these foods are sometimes less readily available, or we are simply less educated on what foods to eat.
So, here are some supplements you should consider taking to ensure you get everything you need. Firstly, you may benefit from a vitamin B12 supplement, or a vitamin B complex. This is because vitamin B12 and other B-vitamins mainly come from animal sources, so you may be lacking if you tend to avoid these food groups. You may also want to take iron, zinc, and omega-3, since in most people's diets these minerals will primarily come from red meats or fish.
One supplement that is excellent for vegans is the Hitamins B12 + Iron shot. This contains 2 of the most vital vegan nutrients in one quick and tasty shot. You can also shop individual B12 supplements and iron supplements, as well as zinc and omega-3. Another nutrient that vegans commonly supplement is protein. It's no secret that the main sources of protein are meat, fish, and dairy. So, many people eating plant-based find it much easier to boost their protein intake with a powder supplement.

CORE NUTRITIONIonic Zinc Liquid Drops | 60ml | 15mg

CORE NUTRITIONEnergy Vitamin D3 + K2 Liquid Spray | 60ml

CORE NUTRITIONDual Action Vitamin B12 Spray 60ml

CORE NUTRITIONLiquid Biotin Vitamin Spray | 60ml

CORE NUTRITIONImmunity Vitamin D3 Spray

Little PharmaChildren's Vitamin C Spray | 60ml

Little PharmaChildren's Vitamin D Spray | 60ml